Our story starts here.
Keith and Ruth Powlison moved to Cusco Peru in 1999. They then built a home and began living in a small village outside of Cusco called Pallpanccay. Over time, they began to see many children being abandoned and even dying in their community because of abuse and neglect.
Many families simply could not care for their babies due to poverty, destructive family situations, or other life circumstances. After adopting two children from the village, Keith and Ruth decided that it was time to provide a place for the many other vulnerable children in their community.
With a huge step of faith, Casa Josefina was born! It received its official accreditation from the Peruvian government in November of 2008. The Casa Josefina was named after Ruth’s aunt, Josephine Kupferschmid, who directed an orphanage in Brazil for more than 15 years.
Hundreds of children have passed through the home over the past 10 years—some being adopted and other returning with biological family members.
After serving for 9 years as director of the Casa Josefina, Ruth Powlison decided to pass her role over to Kristen Henson. Kristen has now been directing the home since June 2017.
We believe that God’s call is clear to love orphans and to care for them in every way possible. They are close to His heart.